news from Cindy, Dave and Bean: Dave had many IV therapies yesterday with mostly vitamins, nutrients etc. They exercised him last night and tired him out. this morning they started the immuno- suppression therapy. we were able to get to the clinic early this morning, so we suprised Dave with an early morning visit....we will spend the day here hanging out with him and the dining area and pool when he needs his time alone. We spent Sat evening with Two patients relatives,; John is Dave's roomate Jerry's son and Cindy's mother is here from Paraquay.......we spent the evening discussing the frustrations of the lack of medical treatments for this disease. All three of our loved ones has ALS but all are displaying different symptoms and all started within a month of each other. Cindy is happy to see that they are giving Dave green drinks, colloidal silver and other supplements that she had started Dave on.....she has felt like a mad scientist trying to figure out what is helping or not. Please keep all the patients here in your prayers as well....Jerry and Vic and Nymphia.
We figured out how to call home via yahoo messenger for 1 cent/min.....good deal. So if you get a call from a 777-777-7777 number it is us!!!!! I will try to post some photos if I can figure out how to download and upload.
We figured out how to call home via yahoo messenger for 1 cent/min.....good deal. So if you get a call from a 777-777-7777 number it is us!!!!! I will try to post some photos if I can figure out how to download and upload.
Hi it's cameron hope you feel better. still have to drink the peas??? Just kidding!! I hope you're laughing Cindy. You know how much I teased Dad about that drink you were giving him. I'm glad you cared enough to know that "The Peas" were good for him.
It was great to hear every one's voice yesterday....but don't think I was a little leery to answer the 777-777-7777 phone number on my cell phone...!!!
Can't wait to hear from you again.
Love you!
Hi all . . . Thanks so much for keeping us updated. Sounds like quite a party . . . green peas ? ? ? Whatever works. How close is the hotel and the clinic? Can you walk or do you have a car accessible? Love the pictures but you know me . . . I want more, would love to see what the view is out the window.
I was trying to find where you are on the map but can't. Are you south or north of Belize City? I am assuming the weather is sunny & 80's ? ? ?
Questions, questions, questions ! ! !
Love you all Bunches,
As Danielle and Cameron would say..." need to get some sun"... :) See if one (or more) of those pretty nurses will direct some of that sunshine in there to you!
I was doing some spring cleaning and found the saying below and thought it fitting.
Our a circle of strength and love. With every birth and every union, the circle grows. Every joy shared adds more love. Every crisis faced together makes the circle stronger.
Schmuck Family Reunion
Va Beach, VA
April 2001
I Love You!
Traci, as soon as I started reading that phrase I knew exactly where it came from. Couldn't be more fitting for our family!
I'm glad I finally was able to talk to you. Unfortunately we had a delay but maybe it was a random thing and hopefully next time I talk to you it won't do that.
I love you and miss you lots!!!!!
Good to hear that you have started on treatment. One part of the treatment is having pretty nurses. Not Bad! Sorry I missed your call. It was a cell phone thing and I had it on vibrate. I am the most technologically impaired person on the face of the earth. I did not even know it was on vibrate. Well, it is now by my side with the loudest ring possible. Keep fighting, we will keep praying and all WILL BE GOOD!I love you baby bro.
Cheshire grin eh; well it’s been too long since I’ve seen it and it looks great; what with all the care, loving family and friends, and good stuff like green peas (what ever that really is) its no wonder. I echo Bill’s comment and one of your many lessons to us all; a positive attitude does make a difference and there are a lot of folks in VB with exactly that. Keep blog'en and see you soon! Charlie and Chris
The view out his window is great. It is of the pool and the Caribbean sea. We are north of Belize City at the top tip just below the mexican border on the yucattan peninsula. Weather is beautiful- hot and muggy. we are 25 min ride from clinic and a van from the clinic transports us back and forth daily. The clinic is beautiful and in a very desirable location but where we are staying has a lot to be desired but it is the best hotel in town! Cindy
Love the pics. You both look great! :)
Sounds like the clinic and staff there in Brazil are taking great care of you! Your continued positive attitude during all of this sets a strong example for all of us back here. Keep it going "shipmate."
Gary Geithmann
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