Monday, April 23, 2007

Day 11

Dave is now receiving his massage. The first one of the day. Dave went outside for 5 minutes yesterday with a mask on. It was uplifting for him. When we get home - he will pretty much be quarentined for a month- no public places. He has to wear a mask on the plane going home. We were going to stay in Florida for a few days but we may just stay overnight because he can't be out in the sun. We will see. Will post later. Bean has food poisoning. I am fine. Cindy


Sue said...

I've been in "catch-up" mode, as Bob and I have been out of town a few days. I'm so pleased to see that all the news is good news!! I love seeing the photos, and the great description of your medical, physical, personal, and spiritual support! Looks like you could not have picked a better place to go for treatment.

Prayers continue. Love to each one....Sue

Bev Willis said...

I have to agree . . . it is so good to see that smile. Of course, you have been smiling with your positive outlook, however, when being hugged by the gorgeous, smart & talented Dr. V, that smile just got about 10 miles wider and the eyes are sparkling along with the smile.

I am so sorry to hear Bean is not feeling well, sure hope it's a mild case. It's bad enough being sick but to be sick away from home is the worst. Hope you feel better really soon Bean.

So you have to be quarrantined for 30 days ? ? ? I guess we will just have to delay Joe's birthday celebration until we can all get together ! ! ! Gosh, and I already have his gift . . . oh well, Joe you can wait just a bit longer . . . Right ? ? ?

Getting out of your room for a few minutes at a time has got to feel good. It's the little things we appreciate more and more these days. They all add up.

Love & Blessings,


Joe L. said...

Too much Conch Ceviche! Tell everyone there thank you for me and I plan on coming back in July for the booster.

I love you,


Carrie & Chris said...

Hi Dave and Cindy,

So glad that you are both doing well...we can't wait wait until you get home......quarrantined for 30 days wow...whatever works. We continue to keep you guys in our thought and strong!!

Much love,

Carrie & Chris

rose said...

Hi Dave & Cindy From what I can see you are a great patient. I have a lot of hope that this is working for you. This is what prayers do for all of us. Take it easy going home &I will talk to you when you get to Va. This Blog is terrific for me. I know God is watching over you. Just think Dave you will look like the Mask Man when you get on the plane. Give Cindy a big hug for me.Love you Marie