Thursday, April 12, 2007

Arrived in Delray Beach, Florida

Well, I am moved by all the love and prayers each of you have shown. God has opened my eyes to the true definition of love through each of you. I cannot express what each of you mean to me as I go through this journey. Your support and prayers are felt deeply in my heart. We are in Delray Beach, Florida today at Cindy's sister's home. She will be travelling with us to Belize tomorrow. We are leaving for Belize tomorrow a.m. Love to all , Dave


Brad said...

we are all praying for you as you said. Keep us up to speed on your progress and concentrate on getting well.

Barbara Garren said...


Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We look forward to seeing you back on top of the world, and hope we can invite you to dinner in San Diego when you are well!

Barb Garren & Hank Ruhl

Carrie & Chris said...

Hi Dave & Cindy,

So glad to hear from you! We are always thinking about you and have the both of you in our prayers. We'll be checking your daily posts so keep us updated. We wish you strength and send our love.

Bev Willis said...

Here you go . . . just a hop, skip and a jump and you will be in Belize (hopefully it won't be raining there). The first day of the rest of your life ! ! !

You, no doubt, will have good days and not so good days. Please share so we can try to help you through it all.

We are "Believing in Miracles" especially when you only see that one set of footprints. Jesus is definitely carrying you. Lean on Him, talk to Him as He IS your best friend and thank Him for all the blessings you have.

You know we all love you very very much. Close your eyes and feel all of our collective arms around you, helping you every step of the way.


Bev Willis said...

OK friends & family . . . "This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Pray Believing that God Will Answer.

May today be all that You need it to be today.

May the peace of God and the freshness of the Holy Spirit rest in Your thoughts, Rule in Your dreams tonight and Conquer all Your fears.

May God manifest Himself today in ways that You have never before experienced.

May Your joys be fulfilled,
Your dreams be closer and Your prayers be answered.

I pray that faith enters a new height for You;
I pray that Your territory is enlarged and I pray that You step into Your destiny within the ministry.

I pray for peace, health, happiness and true and undying love for God.


Love, Bev

Lori said...

Dave and Cindy --
I guess you will be in Belize when you get this. I'm glad you set up the blog for all of us back home. We love you. This morning I was thinking about 1 Corinthians 13 -- now these three last: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. You have all three. God bless you, the doctors and Edon Lab.
PS/ Hi, Jeanne. How's the shoulder?

Lori said...

This just came from my church - I thought it might lift you up even higher ...

Why the Scars Remain

While the eleven disciples were talking, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself!”

For many years I was disturbed that wounds remained in the body of the risen Jesus. “Why, I wondered.” After all, Jesus had a new, glorious, “resurrection body” that shone with majesty and beauty. It was so “new” that persons did not recognize him at first. So I asked again, “Why those scars remaining?”

It was during a quiet time many years ago that I sensed the Lord giving me a deep insight, which I credit to him as a great gift. Though not approaching an audible voice, I perceived the Lord saying, “I left the scars in the hands of Jesus, so that now people could witness the light shining through in those places that once represented pain and agony...and the same thing ought to be true of you, Marshall!”

Friends, God wants to use your scars as vehicles to bring healing and encouragement to hurting persons around you! Writing to the Church in Corinth, the Apostle Paul writes, “God comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.” (2 Cor. 1:4, emphasis mine).

Scars are not evidence of weakness; rather, they are evidence of healing—to God be the glory! Jesus Christ is Risen, and alive. And because of this, blood no longer flows from our wounds. Now, by His grace and His Spirit, we are empowered to put our foot on the neck of the devilish serpent, as our “scars” work to set others free.

Your brother in Christ,

Gary Geithmann said...

Gary Geithmann said
You are certainly on the right path and the best options open to you for a recovery. All the FTC Lunch Bunch look forward to your joining us soon for our next luncheon.

Gary Geithmann

rose said...

Hi Dave & Cindy Glad you arrived safe & sound. Keep me intouch as we are all praying for you. You might even hear from Marie. Love Marie

rose said...

Hi Dave I had my neighbor help me to get on this Blog. As I am new at all of this I was so glad to hear you are there safe & sound. I wantyou to know you are my favorite nephew & I love you ever so much. I know my prayers will be answered so keep me posted. I will log on every day to hear how you are doing. Thanks to who ever set this up for me. Love Marie

Dave LaMontagne said...

Cindy,Jeannie and I arrived in Belize safe and sound. After a 2 hour drive we finally got to the clinic which is in a beautiful location. We spent the next 3 hours getting briefed and educated! This is powerful science. Got my first IV and expect my first bone marrow transplant on Monday. I just wish i had come here a month ago. Thanks for all the prayers. Keep em coming! More tomorrow as it is late and i am exhausted.

Dave LaMontagne said...

News from Cindy and Bean

We arrived safely in Belize and were met by Jerry from Eden who drove us 2 hours over potholes and through sugar cane fields to Consiejo Shores. We were met by the wonderful staff and got Dave to his room about 2:30 Belize time. He is sharing the room with another ALS patient (Jerry) who was diagnosed in Nov. Dave was tired yet so excited that he was radiating. Doc David Blyweiss oriented us to what we should expect over the next two weeks…..he is very personable and no question is too silly to be answered. We are a bit overwhelmed by all that will be going on and will try to be as clear as we can be.

The Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Mitchell Ghen is a neurologist and came to do the history and review Dave’s medical record. Dave’s tumor necrosis marker and sed rate is extremely high, which indicates high inflammation and muscle death……this is both good news and bad….the bad is that Dave has progressed quickly with the disease, the good is that the stem cells will use the high inflammation as a signal of where to target themselves….this will be the vehicle for the stem cells to work their magic.. The doctor will also be able to use this as a very clear marker of improvement. Dr. Ghen has decided to start Dave’s stem cells sooner than he expected; he would normally be immune suppressed for a few days before treatment. So what we thought of as bad news, was God’s way of getting David’s body ready to show the new stem cells the proper path to
take. BTW: Dr. Ghen happens to be a Rabbi as well and prays with his patients before treatment…..we shared with him our belief in prayer and told him about the prayer bash we had to ready Dave for the trip to Eden

We left Dave surrounded by 3 doctors and 4 staff and they were ready to take EKG and muscle tests and who knows what else. There is no lack of beautiful looking and caring nurses here…Dave has his Cheshire cat grin on his face.

Visiting hours are 2-5 so we will be able to answer more questions tomorrow night. We got to Corozal Bay Inn at 6 tonight and had conch seviche and beans and rice for our first dinner….Dave was in for something a bit blander and the start of IV fluids.

Traci Lee said...

All I can say is... WOW! Glad to hear they jumped in with both feet!

Danielle has a soccer game in Richmond tomorrow so we will be leaving bright and early (notice the time I'm writing this). I wish I had a laptop 'cause I can't wait to get home tomorrow to hear how your day went.

I love you!

rose said...

Hi David & Cindy I am trying to get this right. I am so happy for you that you were able to make this trip. David you are a fighter & I know you will do good. We are all praying for you everyday. Cindy I hope you can keep us posted with all the comings & goings. We love you both & our prayers are with all of you. Love Marie

rose said...

Hi David & Cindy I am trying to get this right. I am so happy for you that you were able to make this trip. David you are a fighter & I know you will do good. We are all praying for you everyday. Cindy I hope you can keep us posted with all the comings & goings. We love you both & our prayers are with all of you. Love Marie