Monday, April 16, 2007

get ready to pray with us

transplant to start at 2:45 EST yeahhhhhhhhhh


Lynda Badran said...

Dave and everyone,
I am praying so hard for you today.
I hope that all of you can feel the love and that you will gain strength from that.
Lynda Badran

Bev Willis said...

This IS the day the Lord has made; Let us REJOICE and be GLAD in it. Psalm 118:24

I passed this verse on the other day AND it was part of the reading this week-end at church . . . it just keeps popping back at me lately so I assume someone is trying to get my attention.

David, you know you are uppermost in our prayers . . . right this minute. Results felt TODAY ! ! ! WOW . . . can't ask for more than that.

Love, Strength & Blessings,