Sunday, April 15, 2007

Dave taking Bio Age test by computer

Well tomorrow is the day everyone to get your prayers going for the first stem cell transplant. This will be an IV transplant of 25 million stem cells…..Dave wants us to pray that every single one of them goes right to work on his hands and arms and stomach muscles-all his muscles that have atrophied! He has had a lot of weakness in his arms and hands and is having difficulty using his hands to complete tasks. The transplant will be happening around 12-1 EST, 10-11 Belizean time. The doctor will be praying with Dave during the procedure. He likes to do this with his patients who are receptive to prayer.Dave talked to one of the nurses today who was a diabetic with neuropathy. She had the treatment 3 weeks ago and is like a new person- no more diabetes and lots of energy- neuropathy gone. She was so excited about the results and was very encouraging. There is someone here with ALS who is here for his booster. He was treated 3 months ago and can walk now and his speech is much more audible.All in all- Dave will be having about 850-100 million new stem cells.Keep on Blogging- Dave enjoys hearing from everyone!.Cindy


Lindsey Hillier said...

My favorite morning prayer:
Lord I come to you in the quite of this morning hour for peace. Give me the power to view the world through loved filled eyes. Help me to be patient gentlle wise. To see beyond what seems to be. And to know your children as you know so thaty naught but the good in anyone behold. Make death my ears to slander that is told. Silence my tongue to all that is unkiind. Let me so kindly be so full of cheer that all I meet may feel your presence near. Oh cloth me in your beauty, this I pray, give me the grace to do your will just for today.

Dave and momma and beanball, i am so glad to see the pics and read ur update! I watered the plants today and sent u the link to my album of vacation pics that u requested. ( hillier)i also have beautiful pics of you with all ur kids from gammie, i will pass on to david to give to ur kids. I hope to get a call from u again tomorro- i will be eagerly awaiting an update as is everyone else. I will have many prayers and thoughts for u all tomorro and tonight. Keep strong. I have a very good feeling about this. And dave remember that we are all with u on this, i know that u can feel us there with you. I love you guys bunches and bunches.linz

Susan said...

Hey Papa David,

You look great.. Just wanted to say you and Cindy look great and I know you are excited to get started with all of this so you can come on back home. I feel as if I one of your kids so I wanted to tell you we will keep praying for you and have a safe return home.

Lori said...

Hi, all --
Isn't this age of technology wonderful. God working through the doctors and staff, the researchers that have developed this treatment, and the vehicle that makes possible this communication.
You have prayer without ceasing. God bless you, lift you higher, and keep you in the palm of His hand.
Love you, all --

Stephanie said...

Hi Dave and Cindy,

I see you have arrived safely and ready to start your journey. As always, I am praying daily. Hang in there and let GOD lead your paths. Love always Stephanie

Chuck said...

Hey Dave,

Just signed in today and I'm really happy to read that things are progressing smoothly. You look great! Don't forget to watch the NFL draft on the 28th. I'm sure Dallas will draft some loser! ha-ha!

The team at V-58 says "Go Dave"!!!

Talk to you more soon!

chuck (Hillman)

Dave LaMontagne said...

_This is really cindy- sorry to those who thought it was Dave-Thanks everyone for all your wonderful messages. it is very healing for Dave. see you soon, David. Are you ready for all those baby stem cells to work their magic?? Love Cindy

Barbara Garren said...


Hank & I have you in our prayers every day. We truly believe good things happen to good people. You are one of the best and finest men we have ever had the privilage to know, and are confident only goodness will surround you and Cindy throughout this time. I keep trying to feel sorry for you about the night time nurses, but it ain't happening!

Barb and Hank

Bean said...

This the day that the Lord has made.

Wireless goes in and out here so quickly. Just spent 15 mins writing and lost it when trying to publish…oops. Will go to the cut and paste option now.

We are waiting impatiently for 11:00 to roll around as I am sure you all are. We will let you know what is happening as soon as we can. Dr. David seems to think Dave will feel results today…..this is so exciting. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to be here with Dave and Cindy…thank you all for the support. It would be so hard on Cindy to be here alone. Most of the families have come with two members as well. I am trying very hard to listen hard to what is going on and to ask as many questions of the nurses and doctors. I asked Dr. David today if he had thought of giving a training session to the family members of what they should be expecting and the care needed after treatment…he thought that was a great idea. They have a patient here now who had to come back early for his booster transplant due to muscle weakness…..turns out his wife was giving him a med that should only have been given for 2 weeks. She was still giving it to him at 7 weeks…oops. Cindy has been getting herself so educated all along with all the proper nutrition and food, she is ahead of the others with that. She’ll be able to open her own health food store soon…..Dave’s life will definitely be changing as far as what he will be eating and taking nutritionally.
Love to all….Bean

Bean said...

This the day that the Lord has made.

Wireless goes in and out here so quickly. Just spent 15 mins writing and lost it when trying to publish…oops. Will go to the cut and paste option now.

We are waiting impatiently for 11:00 to roll around as I am sure you all are. We will let you know what is happening as soon as we can. Dr. David seems to think Dave will feel results today…..this is so exciting. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to be here with Dave and Cindy…thank you all for the support. It would be so hard on Cindy to be here alone. Most of the families have come with two members as well. I am trying very hard to listen hard to what is going on and to ask as many questions of the nurses and doctors. I asked Dr. David today if he had thought of giving a training session to the family members of what they should be expecting and the care needed after treatment…he thought that was a great idea. They have a patient here now who had to come back early for his booster transplant due to muscle weakness…..turns out his wife was giving him a med that should only have been given for 2 weeks. She was still giving it to him at 7 weeks…oops. Cindy has been getting herself so educated all along with all the proper nutrition and food, she is ahead of the others with that. She’ll be able to open her own health food store soon…..Dave’s life will definitely be changing as far as what he will be eating and taking nutritionally.
Love to all….Bean

Gary Geithmann said...

It looks like your clinic there in Belize is really taking great care of you. Really glad to hear they've started your treatments so quickly. Your continued positive attitude certainly sets the example for anyone back here to immulate with major health problems. Keep it going "shipmate."

judy rowles said...

Hey there you all, glad to hear you all made it to the "tropics"
God is there on you shoulder Dave ,I see Him there in the photos. Praying for you alot ! ! !
Need anything shipped down do not hesitate to e-mail, call, whatever ! love you all


Tami said...

For some reason the connection was bad or something. (I did answer this time though) Will be waiting for another phone call.

I love you and if you need anything let us know so Joe can take it with him.

Love you