Friday, June 15, 2007

Day 4 Evening

Dave received his second booster today. Joe was incorrect in the amount of cells he was receiving. He received a bit more than the usual stem cells in each booster but not more than he had all together on his first trip. Each patient is treated on an individual basis here. I will hate to leave because Dave receives such wondeful care here. Tami will be coming home tomorrow. We will be leaving on Monday. All is well and Dave is in good spirits. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Cindy


Lindsey Hillier said...

Hey guys!
It seems this trip is going by so much faster...dont worry dave you will be home soon enough. Just get all those awesome stem cells and treatment you can while your there! Everyone hear at the beach is thinking of you and praying for your continued healing. This is wonderful!!! :)

I am glad the girls got out for a cruise around the island...sounds like a great dive trip!

So dave, how was your blood work?

Anyways, the kids are off to a great summer vaca! They spent all of yesterday swimming in the pool (only 1/2 day of school). And today we went to see pirates 3 and did some shopping at the mall. They miss you and send their love, as do I :)


Lindsey Hillier said...

From axel:
:-] hey! I love you guys! I hope everything is ok! And ms.sandy, brads swimming teacher is teaching me 2, cuz i cant do freestyle, and backstroke. I love you! Alex

Lindsey Hillier said...

From brad:
I love you! I hope you feel better. I want to see you when you get home. Love bradlee

Gammie said...

Dave,Cindy,Tami and Joe, We are delighted to get news of you on this new excursion. I am sitting here with Jim, Nancy and Bill in sunny , warm California . So eagerly reading about your new visit to Eden, Our trip has been very entertaining , busy and delightful. Nancy and Bill have a lovely home and we have visited and met with old friends of Jim's. last week end we went to Yosemite National Park , wow, what beauty. Bill Nancy and Jim and I are thinking of you an praying for the continued treatments. We send our love, Gammie

Greetings To The One Who Has His Root Deeply Planted....Prayers with love are often offered for you. Joan and I will be soon back with you in V B. It will be great to see you and to share some valued time togather. Love you Man with prayers, JHC

Chris Fiori said...

Dave and Family,

Hey!! I'm glad that things are going well...stay strong my have a lot of people who care deeply for you and who are continually thinking about you and praying for a full and swift recovery. There's lots of stuff that you're needed to do, so grab those stem cells and come on I'm looking forward to another one of Cindy's fabulous dinners (I'm hooked on the gluten free pasta, but don't tell my Mom)!!

I also need you to send Tami's been a rough week for me since I have to do my work AND her work...I always knew that I had to carry you on my back but now it's your lovely daughter too!! I hope that you've been checking her homework...something tells me that it's not up to standards (and I'll be checking it when she gets back). I'm sure it will be all worthwhile when I receive my amzaing Belize gift that I'm sure that she's been shopping for!!

Have a safe trip back. You all (even Tami)are truly missed. Everything just seems a little better when you're around.


Chris Fiori

Sue said...

Cindy....Sorry I'm so late in connecting with you. First I couldn't "find" the blog and then forgot my password! I have had you guys in my thoughts and prayers all week. I'm so glad Dave is getting such wonderful care. I'm visualizing those "good cells" going to work to make him better. It's great that they can take some extra time with him.

It is good support for you and Dave to be able to talk with other families who are experiencing the same thing. Sharing ideas and feelings with people who are walking that same path has to be beneficial.

Know that we think of you guys constantly and pray for healing. Love....Sue

Unknown said...

Dear Dave and Cindy,
It is so good to hear the news every day. Everyone I know in Florida is praying for healing. There are a lot of people here at Sweetwater who pray every day for your healing. You dertainly are at the right spot. Eden has such supportive staff. I hope Wayne and I can come up to visit this summer. I am comming along slowly. Hope to get the "hole in my head" patched up late August or in Early September. I won't know how to behave with it fixed. You will be home before you know it. Home is always the best place to be. Take care, baby brother, and let those stem cells find their proper place to "fix you up". Cindy, you are the best. God bless you both keep you in his loving hands.
Love, Jeanne

Unknown said...
